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HIOKI 8430-20數據記錄儀

日期:2024-09-20 11:49
摘要: HIOKI 8430-20數據記錄儀 HIOKI 8430-20數據記錄儀是HIOKI8420系列記錄儀的升級產品,HIOKI8430-20數據記錄儀是10個通道完全隔離的數據記錄儀, Model 8430-20 MEMORY HiLOGGER 10 Isolated Logic Channels + 4 Pulse Channels of SimultaneousLogging at 10ms Intervals HIOKI will be offering the new MEMORY HiLOGGER Model 8430-20, ahighly portable, high-speed data logger. Despite its smallfootprint that unquestionably offers maximum convenience, thisinstrument provides ten channels with...

HIOKI 8430-20數據記錄儀

HIOKI 8430-20數據記錄儀是HIOKI8420系列記錄儀的升級產品,HIOKI8430-20數據記錄儀是10個通道完全隔離的數據記錄儀,

Model 8430-20 MEMORY HiLOGGER
10 Isolated Logic Channels + 4 Pulse Channels of SimultaneousLogging at 10ms Intervals

HIOKI will be offering the new MEMORY HiLOGGER Model 8430-20, ahighly portable, high-speed data logger. Despite its smallfootprint that unquestionably offers maximum convenience, thisinstrument provides ten channels with 10ms sampling for high-speedmeasurements: ten times faster than our previous models. The4.3-inch TFT color LCD is an ideal display screen for graspingdetailed waveform fluctuations. Use with the optional battery packto alleviate worries about power outages without sacrificingportability.

Model 8430-20 MEMORY HiLOGGER is ideal for a wide range of dataacquisition needs in many fields, including auto manufacturing anddesign applications ranging from onboard testing to equipmentmaintenance.

Summary of Features

  • Record 10ms over ALL 10 isolated channels
  • Monitor waveforms while revising configuration settings
  • Up to 1GB CF Compatibility gives you more than 1 year ofrecordings at 2s intervals
  • Enhanced noise suppression technology
  • Smallest dimensions in its class
  • 4.3” QGVA-TFT LCD
  • Direct connection to PC via mini-USB cable for quick datadownload and PC control
  • 2.5 hours of operation with fully recharged battery pack
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